Friday, May 31, 2013

Homemade Baked Donuts- Eggless

Eggless baked donuts

For this month egg less baking group Jayanthi of Sizzling Veggies decided to make donuts, I thought we have to bake it and baked ,but other friends have fried it.
Coming about this wonderful donuts,two years back when we went to Dubai,i asked my hubby for it to taste since then I haven't tasted it.My husband brought a big box full with soo many topping,as it was on our travel date we couldn't eat it all. I enquired my husband about the remaining,he easily said we throw it out.But now we carve for it.
I have been thinking for making this donuts at home for a long time and its was the theme this month.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Almond/Badam Chutney | Easy Side Dish For Idli/ Dosa

almond chutney/dip

Almond/Badam Chutney may be new to many as to me, while browsing I saw many people make this dip/chutney.I too decided to try it.First day I tried it in a different way with red chillies and without tempering but today morning I tried it in another way and it was an awesome combination for dosa,my kids love it a lot.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Eggless Chocolate Brownies

As I have said earlier I love to bake than to cook but I am just a beginner in baking, as seen in many blog people say that they carve for brownies, so I decided to bake one. Earlier I have posted No bake biscuit brownies, now  decided to bake one brownies. Got the recipe from here made slight changes.Do try it  and enjoy this chocolaty,chewy ,yummy brownies.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Nutella Banana Ice cream- My 200th post

I am soo glad to write this post as this is my 200th post. What a co-incidence, my 100th post was also an ice cream, kulfi this to happens to be a the same category.I first all friends, co-bloggers and visitors who supports me and encourage me with their lovable comments.

Coming to the recipe its soo easy to make ,can be made in jiffy time. When I saw this here I immediately decided to make and to say the truth it tasted yummy and was apt for the season. Do try this and sure kids will love it.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Bottle Gourd in Lentils

Bottle gourd in lentils

Bottle gourd/Sorakkai is one of my favourite vegetables my kids to love has many medicinal properties like
(Source web)
Its has enormous impact on high blood pressure & heart disease.
The juice from its leaves cures jaundice.
It reduce fatigue and keep you fresh during summer.
And goes on.

Try to eat more at least during summer.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Spiced Buttermilk / Neer More | Summer Drink

Neer More/moor is the  best summer  cooler besides other aerated drinks and very cheap too. Its one of the common drinks in south India during summer. Now a days government too are disturbing it free on stalls installed at almost all roads for public, free of cost. Do drink more liquid food and cool your body.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Aloo Matar/Peas Potato Gravy | Side dish for Roti/Chapathi

Hello everyone today I just blog about the dish I got from Homely food ,this is such an easy and yummy side dish for roti.Will there be anyone who hat potatoes I guess no one will be.Meenu aunt made it with baby potatoes but I just used regular one.Potatoes with green peas doesn't sound good ,try it and enjoy.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Watermelon Lemonade

Hello friends I am back to blog after a short break,summer is peak every where not only in Chennai in our native kanyakumari too its very hot not able to bear it.Though we get little summer rain the humidity is high we shall pray to get more rain.
Coming to recipe this is such a simple one.In our house when we buy watermelon when its fresh all will eat on the next day it just remains in fridge.It is very difficult to make kids to eat that ,so I decided to make some lemonade with it,tried it and tasted excellent which disappeared in minutes.

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Mango milk shake | Mango Recipe

If its summer then there will be mangoes,who will say no to this yummy delicious fruit, it is quite worthy to wait to taste for this lovely yellow fruit.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Eggless Tiramisu- Alcohol free

Tiramisu means  " lift me up " or "pick me up" is an Italian dessert.Its made with ladysfinger(Italian: Savoiardi) dipped in coffee and layered with mascarpone cheese and flavoured with wine.This can be made in any form pudding,cake and other dessert.I deceided to make it in my wine cup.Got the recipe from here.This dessert should be served chilled.