Thursday, August 11, 2022

Red Rice Flakes Coconut Milk Pudding / Aval Payasam With Jaggery | Payasam Recipe

Red Aval/Rice flakes payasam

Payasam is an easy dessert one can prepare .When ever i carve to eat something sweet i make  a payasam for lunch relish some and keep it in fridge and will indulge as often.when can make payasam with many ingredients.Here i have used thick red aval (rice flakes),jaggery and coconut milk.Need to say the taste sooo yummy.

Preparation time:5 mins
Cooking time:15 mins
Recipe type: Sweet
Recipe cuisine: indian
Author: Babitha
Serves:2 to 3

  • Red aval/Rice flakes-1 cup
  • jaggery-1\2 cup
  • Thick Coconut milk-1\2 cup
  • Thin coconut milk-1 cup
  • Cardamon -2
  • Ghee-2 tsp
  • Cashew & raisins-few


1.Clean the rice flakes well and soak it in water for 10-15 mins(this helps for easy cooking).Then drain the water.

2.To it add thin coconut milk with 1\2 cup water and cook it well till it is cooked.Mean while boil the jaggery with 1\2 cup water and filter it to remove the impurities.

3.When the rice flakes in cooked add the jaggery syrup to it & crushed cardamon,cook till it blends well.Lastly add thick coconut milk and switch of after a boil.

4.In another pan heat ghee,fry cashew & raisins,add in to the prepared payasam and serve.

Delicious and yummy payasam is ready.


1.Here i have used thick variety so i soaked it.You can use thin variety too.In that case you don't need to soak just wash ,drain and cook.

2.Instead of coconut milk you can use cow milk too.


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