Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Black rice dessert | Kavuni Arisi payasam

Black rice/Kavuni Arisi payasam with step by step pictures.

Black rice is one of the healthiest rice and it is different from red rice and brown rice. It is also called forbidden rice by the Chinese. Some health benefits of it are, it is rich in antioxidants, helps to fight diabetics, as this rice is gluten-free it is the best alternative for those with gluten allergies, etc. This rice is found to be to have the highest content of the antioxidant anthocyanin. Sine this rice has a deep dark color it gets the name as black rice but when cooked it gives a purple shade.

Black rice dessert | Kavuni Arisi payasam

Let us see how to make this healthy payasam with it. For easy cooking, I soaked it overnight. If you don't have time add more water and pressure cook for 10-12 whistles.

Preparation time: 10 mins
Soaking time: 12 hours
Cooking time: 30 mins
Cuisine: India
Type: Dessert
Author: Babitha


Black rice- 1/3 cup
Water- 4 cups
Milk- 1 cup
Sugar- 1/2 cup ( adjust)
Cardamom powder-1/8 tsp
Ghee- 1 tbsp
Cashew nuts-few


1. Clean and soak the rice for 8-12 hours

2. Drain and add to a mixer. Add little water and grind it coarsely.

3. Add the ground mix to a thick bottomed pan. Dilute with 4-5 cups of water.

4. Cook in low flame. Keep stirring to avoid sticking.

5. When cooked 3/4th add sugar, milk and cook it get reduced well. Add cardamom powder. switch off.

6. Roast the cashew in the ghee and add to it.

 Serve the payasam hot, warm or cold.

Black rice dessert | Kavuni Arisi payasam


1. Instead of sugar you can use jaggery also.

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