Wednesday, February 14, 2024

White Chocolate Mousse | No Gelatin or Agar-agar

Happy Children's Day ! My heartful prayers and wishes for all children to have all basic needs with good health.May we too have their innocent thinking in us.On this day I share an easy mousse recipe.I had white chocolate bar sitting in my pantry for while.I actually want to try millet chocolate but didn't so when searching found it mousse recipe and immediately went in action and did it.

Monday, February 12, 2024

ABC Juice | Miracle Drink | Detox Drink

ABC, as the name says its a drink made with apple, beetroot, and carrot.It is also called as miracle drink since it has numerous health benefits.It is also the best detox drink as it helps to flush out toxins from vital organs.Some important health benefits of this drink are heart friendly drink, for spotless clear skin, enhance brain activity, helps in weight loss, boost the immune system and detoxifies vital organs.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Black Forest Trifle | Dessert Recipe

If you are person like to  indulge an easy dessert after every meal then this comes in handy.If you any left over chocolate cake make this and keep them refrigerated where you can relish them when you have  sudden carving for sweet.Last Saturday i baked a chocolate cake to make this tasty parfait  where i just made a cup having a doubt whether my kids will like it.But my guess was wrong there was fight between the both for it.So please make in large quantity if you have more kids.

Monday, February 05, 2024

2 ingredient strawberry ice cream

Strawberry Icecream | how to make ice cream

2 ingredient ice-cream, yes you read it correctly with just two ingredients you can make this yummy ice cream which doesn't need any fancy machine. I have some whipped powder left and I want to use it in ice cream. When I got some fresh strawberries I decided to make this ice cream. You can make it with any fresh fruit. Since the whipping cream powder has sweet I didn't add any sweetener.

Saturday, December 09, 2023

Munthiri Kothu | Kanyakumari Special Christmas Recipe

Munthiri Kothu with step by step pictures.

This recipe is one of the famous recipes in the southern district of Tamilnadu. "Munthiri" which means cashew and "Kothu" means a bunch. If you happen to visit any places down south during Christmas you can find the recipes in almost all houses. Whenever we return from there after Christmas  I make sure to load some of this with me. I love this recipe to the core and was happily making it here in Chennai in my kitchen.I gathered some information from my sister-in-law and proceeded to make it. As doing alone for the first time I just made a very small quantity. I regret it as it quickly got vanished.

Friday, December 01, 2023

Eggless Achu Murukku/Rose Cookies |Step by Step Pictures | Festive Recipe ( with a small video)

Eggless Achu  Murukku/Rose Cookies |Step by Step Pictures | Festive  Recipe ( with a small video)

This is one of recipe which will definitely be in the list for Xmas sweets in our native(kanyakumari Dist.).This is a sweet crispy murukku sometimes called as achappam. My MIL has different shapes of achus with her.Last month when i went for my grocery shopping i grab one achu/mold for me.