Thursday, June 14, 2018

Mango Banana Smoothie | Healthy Breakfast Smoothie

Mango Banana smoothie is excellent breakfast smoothie. For people who generally find less time to make and consume breakfast, this smoothie comes in handy. Just add peeled banana & mango in a blender, whip it up and your smoothie is ready.

As in this mango season since I have not made any blog post with mango I thought of writing this easy drink. I didn't add sugar while making as my mango was too sweet. But if your mango variety is not that much sweet then you can use sugar. For variation, you can roast some oats and blend along.


  • Mango, pieces- from 1\2 mango
  • Banana- 1
  • Milk- 1 cup ( boiled & cooled)
  • Sugar- to taste ( optional)


1. In a blender/mixer add everything and blend well.

2. Pour into serving glass and dilute further if you feel it thick.

Serve or chill further for a while and consume the same day.


1. Adjust sugar level according to the sweetness of the mango.

2. You can dry roast some oats and blend it along.

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