Tuesday, May 22, 2018

White Pumpkin Halwa | Poosanikai Halwa with Natural Sweetner

White Pumpkin Halwa | Poosanikai Halwa with Natural Sweetner

White pumpkin halwa with step by step pictures.

Poosanikai halwa is also called as Kasi halwa and I don't know why they call so. The main ingredients in this halwa are grated pumpkin, sugar, and ghee. I have used natural organic sugar instead of white sugar. But you can use regular sugar if you don't have it. In both cases, it will taste good.

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Jackfruit Appam | Jackfruit- Rice Sweet Friters

Jackfruit Appam | Jackfruit- Rice Sweet Friters

Jackfruit appam with step by step pictures. This is chef  Venkatesh Bhatt's recipe which he taught in Vijay Tv's " Samayal Samayal".I love watching his program due to the simplicity of the recipe.

Friday, May 04, 2018

Chocolate Ice Cream | No Churn Ice Cream

Chocolate Ice Cream | No Churn Ice Cream

No churn chocolate ice cream with minimal ingredients to beat the heat.I have already posted chocolate ice cream on my blog which had some fancy ingredient like liquid glucose.Also here I have used nattu sarkarai/Palm sugar instead of white sugar and we didn't feel any taste difference.