Thursday, August 10, 2017

Caramel Pudding | Caramel Custard Pudding | Flan Recipe

caramel pudding

This is one of a simple and easiest pudding recipe.The key ingredient here is egg, milk, and sweetener.Just blend everything up in a mixer and steam or bake it.I adopted this recipe from here.


  • Eggs-2
  • Milk-2 cups
  • sugar-3\4 cup
  • Sugar-2 tbsp ( for caramelization)
  • Vanilla essence -few drops (optional)


1.Heat the sugar for caramelization.When the sugar get caramelized switch off and pour it to the bowl/ramekin/tin where the pudding it to baked.

2.In a mixer add in eggs, milk, sugar, and essence (if using) and blend it well.

3.Pour the blended mix into the bowl (where caremel is on bottom).

3.Steam in the steamer or bake it in a water bed till done.Cool and keep it refrigerated till use.

4.To unmould just run a knife around the corner and invert it into a place.

5.Caramel custard pudding is ready to relish.

P.S - you can either use mixer/blender or hand whisk for mixing


1.To avoid the egg smell I used essence but you can avoid it.


  1. I love caramel pudding, but never knew that had to bake it in a water bed. Thank you


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