Monday, July 04, 2016

Mango Sorbet | Easy Mango Dessert | 3 Ingredients Mango sorbet

mango sorbet

This is my last mango recipe of the year and I hope to try much more next season.I made this a month before as the climate changed I delayed in posting and I decided today is the best day as the sun is bright and we quench for some chilled beverage.With just 3 ingredients we can make is very simple dessert.

Sorbet is nothing but a vegan frozen dessert.The only difference between this from an ice cream is the dairy product used in making ice cream.The person who are allergic to dairy products and enjoy frozen dessert in sorbet way.Easy part of this recipe is the minimal ingredient but the hard part is churning of it.

Preparation time:5 mins
cooking time: 5 mins
freezing time: 10 hours

  • Mango- 1 big
  • Sugar-1\3 cup
  • water-1\2 cup
  • lemon juice- 1tbsp

1.Clean ,peel and chop the mango.Add it to a mixer and blend it to a fine paste.Add lemon juice and blend once.
mango sorbet

2.Make a simple syrup of water and sugar.Cool, the syrup.

3.Add it the mango mix and blend again.Pour into the freezer safe box and freeze.

4.After every half an hour take out and blend in mixer or mix with a fork.Do this for 3-4 times.At last freeze it for 6-8 hours.

Scoop out and enjoy.

Mango Sorbet | Easy Mango Dessert | 3 Ingredients Mango sorbet


1.Use fibre less mango variety.


  1. Mango sorbet looks yummy and easy to make. Will surely try it.

  2. lovely sorbet .. got so much mangoes in my ref.. i think its a perfect idea .. thanks for sharing

  3. Yes, this recipe is simple and tasty but I cannot cook it because my child has a mango allergy. I thought that it's a huge problem but after reading I understood that it's not :)

  4. Easy n definitely a great dessert in summer :)


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