Monday, May 29, 2023

Coffee Ice Cream | No Churn Method | Easy Ice Cream Recipe

Last week my son ask for some homemade ice cream at once I  decided to make this coffee ice cream which was in my do to list for a long.Another reason was that I was left with tetra pack of cream which was nearing expiry date so with no second thought I made this.I simple used my eggless mango ice cream recipe method for this.

Preparation time: 10 mins
Freezing time: 8 hrs to over night


  • Condensed milk -1\2 tin ( i used milkmaid)
  • Fresh cream-200 ml (i used low fat,amul)
  • coffee powder-2 tsp ( i used nescafe )
  • few tsp of warm water. ( optional)

1.Dissolve coffee powder in warm water. ( this step is purely optional,you can directly add the powder also).

2.In a blender add in  cream,condensed milk and coffee solution.Blend it well till forthy for 1-2 minutes.

3.Pour it into a freezer safe bowl and freeze it over night or for 8 hours.That it ,your ice cream is ready.

Scoop out and relish it.

coffee ice cream

Make this  and enjoy the week end.


1.Here i have used low fat cream but you can also use heavy cream.


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