Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Homemade Sugarcane Juice | Karumbu Juice | கரும்பு ஜூஸ்

HOw was your Pongal celebration and  all we for the first time we celebrated in a traditional way since we came Chennai by making it in the upstairs of our apartment in earthern ware .We had our lunch in banana leaves which makes the food more healthy and delicious.I shared few pictures on social media and got great comments too.Coming to this recipe no one ate the sugar cane we bought for pongal celebration and so I made the juice for kids to drink it easily.During summer we can street vendors sell these juices plenty on road,but main problem in it is hygiene and the ice they use.So please make it fresh at home and drink.Here I have not used any fancy machine to extract the juice ,I just used my mixer.
Preparation time: 15 mins
makes- a big cup (depends on size)


  • Sugarcane , chopped- 2 r 3 cups
  • ginger-1 cm length
  • lemon juice-from 1\2 lemon
  • water-1\3 cup


1.Cut the big sugar cane in small pieces.peel the outer skin of it and chop into small pieces.

2.In a mixer add chopped pieces,ginger .First use whip mode and whip it,then add some water and blend for 2-3 minutes.

3.Then strain it through a strainer and also squeeze it with hand for maximum extraction.Add lemon juice and mix well.

Serve with or without ice


1.If the sugarcane is not much sweet you can add some sugar to it.


  1. Sugarcane juice is so tasty! Looks yum!

  2. I just love this!!! Can always have two glasses straightaway...

  3. my favourite, sugar cane juice with ginger and lemon.

  4. i love this juice....feel like picking one glass now..yumm

  5. What is meant by whip mode. My mixture doesn't have anything like that


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