Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Oreo Cake | Oreo cake with Whipped cream Frosting | Easy Birthday Cake Ideas

Oreo is one cookies which is liked almost by all children.Whenever I buy some packets of biscuits oreo will be the first cookies to be over and there will always be a fight at my house for it.I have already shared oreo cupcakesOreo is one cookies which is liked almost by all children.Whenever I buy some packets of biscuits oreo will be the first cookies to be over and there will always be a fight at my house for it.I have already shared oreo cupcakes and this cake I made for my dad's birthday last week .Each and everyone enjoyed it to a core.For the frosting I just used cream powder  to make whipped cream and spread over it,but you can do the frosting either with buttercream or leave it plain.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Quail Egg Roast | Kadaai Egg Roast | Side Dish for Indian FlatBread

quail egg roast
 Quail eggs are three times more nutritious than normal egg and its very cute in size.My son is a die hard lover of this egg and always urge me to buy a pack when I got out to by egg.Now a days I find it rarely there and when enquired he said it get spoiled soon.So Whenever I see these eggs in market I buy a pack without fail.I already have an egg masala with this and this roast is almost a dry version of it.Do try this and I assure that children will fall in love with these cute little beauties.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Homemade Sugarcane Juice | Karumbu Juice | கரும்பு ஜூஸ்

HOw was your Pongal celebration and  all we for the first time we celebrated in a traditional way since we came Chennai by making it in the upstairs of our apartment in earthern ware .We had our lunch in banana leaves which makes the food more healthy and delicious.I shared few pictures on social media and got great comments too.Coming to this recipe no one ate the sugar cane we bought for pongal celebration and so I made the juice for kids to drink it easily.During summer we can street vendors sell these juices plenty on road,but main problem in it is hygiene and the ice they use.So please make it fresh at home and drink.Here I have not used any fancy machine to extract the juice ,I just used my mixer.

Friday, January 08, 2016

Tomato Rice | Left Over Rice Recipe | Easy Lunch Box

Yesterday night when we had some left over rice from the afternoon meal we decided to make this quick rice for dinner.Its was so yummy  and we had it with masala egg.The toasted garlic and ginger gives this rice an exotic aroma and taste.It is ideal for lunch box.Do give a try when you have some rice as leftover.

Friday, January 01, 2016
