Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Carrot Buttermilk | Carrot Mor

Carrot ,one of the easily available vegetable and affordable by all, is loaded with nutrition and other health benefits which we don't know.Some of it are it improves vision,slows down ageing,prevent cancer and heart disease,prevent stroke,cleanses body,promotes healthy skin due to high content of Vitamin a and anti oxidants,etc.Any one who want to get a fair,clear skin try to eat carrot daily or drink juice of it.Carrot can be just eaten as raw and no need cooking.Here in this recipe i have just added some yogurt/curd and little ginger to make this butter milk.

Preparation time: 5 mins
Cooking time:nil
source: priya


  • Carrot- 1 r 2 ,grated or chopped
  • yogurt-1\2 cup
  • ginger-a small piece
  • water-as needed
  • salt - to taste


1.Clean the outer part of carrot well and either chop or grate it.

2.To a mixer/blender add all ingredients and blend well for 5-10 mins.If its thick dilute it.

Serve it immediately.

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