Thursday, July 27, 2017

Indian Wild Plum Ice Cream | Jamun Fruit Ice Cream

Simple and easy to  make ice cream with jamun fruit which has a sweet tarty taste.With no fancy ingredients init this dessert is so easy to make with just corn flour,milk and sweetner.


  • Jamun fruit -1\4 kg
  • Milk- 2 cups +1\4 cup
  • Cornflour- 2 tsp
  • Sugar-1\2 cup(adjust)


1.Mix corn flour in 1\4 cup milk.

2.Boil  2 cup milk.Add in sugar.When it boils add the cornflour-milk mix and keep stiring contionously.When it becomes thick switch off and allow to cool.

3.Meanwhile dessed the jamun fruit and chop it.Grind it in a mixer.

4.Add the ground fruit paste to the cooled milk and whiz it up well.

5.Pour into container and freeze it.

6.After 2 hours of setting take out,blend again and freeze it.

7.Do the same for 2-3 times.Laslty allow it to set for 6-8 hours.

Serve tasty tarty ice cream.

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