Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Plum Juice | Summer Drink

Whenever i buy fruits i always want to try some new recipes with it for the sake of blogging,so  with the same thought i bought few plums from the fruit vendor last week.I ate few and kept it in fridge searching for simple recipe.First thought of making jam them some baked goodies and finally ended up making this juice from here. I just love the bright colour of the drink.Do try you will be amazed by its taste & colour.

Prep. time: 5 mins
cooking time: 5 mins


  • Plums-5
  • sugar-1\3 cup
  • water-1 n 1\2 cup


1.Clean the plums well,Pit it and chop in to small pieces along with skin.
2.Boil sugar and water.Let the sugar dissolve.
3.Add the chopped fruit in to it.Mash it slightly to extract juice.
4.When all the fruit pulp is mashed well switch off.Strain the juice.
5.Dilute it with some chilled water and serve.

Refreshing plum juice.:P


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