Monday, November 30, 2015

Simple Chicken Frankie Roll | Lunch Box Ideas

This is a super easy recipe idle to pack for kids lunch box.THe only time consuming thing in it is roasting of chicken while other are bit easy.For roti/chappathi you can go for fresh one or any left over.

Preparation time;under 10 mins
cooking time:20-25 mins


for chapathi:

  • Wheat flour-1 cup
  • water-1\4 cup or less
  • salt-1 tsp
  • oil-2 tsp
For masala:

  • Boneless chicken-1\4 kg
  • oil-1 tbsp
  • onion-1 chopped
  • ginger garlic paste-1 tsp
  • turmeric powder-1\4 tsp
  • red chilly powder-1 \2 tsp (adjust)
  • garam masala-1\2 tsp
  • pepper powder-1\4 tsp
  • sal to taste


butter or mayonnaise
any salad vegetables  (optional)( i didnot use any)


1.For chapathi: In a mixing bowl add wheat flour,salt and mix well.slowly add water and make a non stick dough.Lastly add oil ,knead.Cover and keep it aside for some time.

2.chop the boneless chicken in medium sized pieces.Clean it well.To it add all ingredients given in " for masala" except oil  and onion ,mix well.Let it sit for some time.

3.Heat oil in a flat bottom pan .Add the marinated pieces along with onion and saute well till it is cooked well.

4.Meanwhile make balls of the dough,roll it and cook the chapathi.

For assembling:

To a chapathi spread some butter or mayonnaise .keep some of the prepared chicken in to it along with any salad vegetables (if using)and roll it.

Serve or pack for lunch box.


An egg can also be used in it.
1.Just  break the egg on a flat pan,when it is cooking drop the cooked chapathi over it and flip the egg,now the egg will completed in the chapathi.
2.Then place chicken masala and pack.


  1. Simple but amazingly delicious food recipe.!!
    Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Simple but amazingly delicious food recipe.!!
    Thanks for sharing!!


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